{how it all began}
I have a house on the hill
I can see the sea
I can see the trees
I paint the view.
I can see a mirror in your room
I have mirrors in my room
I can see you through my mirrors
I can feel your emotions
I am in the sunshine
I am warm and happy.
I was in my house
I was in my house on the hill
I looked for you in my mind.
I've picked you flowers
Roses, pink and white
They grow by my house
on the hill
in the garden, by the house
I grow them for you.
I am in my house looking at you
I am in my room with the mirrors
I see your mind in concentration
I will make your mind open up to me
I will make you used to my entering your mind
I will come into your mind
And you will know mine!
This poem was given to me by Thomas,
through inspirational writing
Keep a candle burning for lovers everywhere,
here and Beyond
harriet's originals.
for more information on afterlife.
Painting by Jim Warren, used with permission.
Be who you are
Be Yourself ~ Truthfully
Accept Yourself ~ Gracefully
Value Yourself ~ Joyfully
Forgive Yourself ~ Completely
Treat Yourself ~ Generously
Balance Yourself ~ Harmoniously
Bless Yourself ~ Abundantly
Trust Yourself ~ Confidently
Love Yourself ~ Wholeheartedly
Empower Yourself ~ Prayerfully
Give Of Yourself ~ Enthusiastically
Express Yourself ~ Radiantly
Author Unknown
